Monday, April 21, 2008

Week 6, #15

Perspectives on Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the future of libraries:

1) Away from the "icebergs" Three icebergs we are headed for as we "row our library boat into the Web 2.0 environment-
1. The "just in case" collection, where we had something on everything. This is a waste of resources. 2. The user friendly interface and one touch programs instead of all the teaching to use the resources. We don't have time to train everyone. 3. The "come to us' model has to change. We need to push our services and resources to the patron into their preferred environment;. Web. If we want libraries to survive, we have to be willing to change how we do business. We can not wait for the "big ship of our profession" to do this, we need to start with one library at a time. "one little boat -at a time."

2) To more powerful ways to cooperate: Build new services with Web 2.0 technologies-
OCLC mission "harnessing collective intelligence." We need to use the Web as our platform "to reach out to the entire web, to the edges and not just the center. This is critical for the success of the library community in a networked world." OCLC is accomplishing this by their Open WorldCat and Web space.2. This summer they will be introducing their new search box, that can be used with any Web browser to search WorldCat. Another feature is Collect user intelligence. This allows everyone to contribute their expertise the collection. Currently it is closed to subscribers of OCLC, but they are developing "social" services to allow non-cataloging library professionals. Services include tagging, list creation and sharing, citation management, personal cataloging. The most important feature is "every significant Internet application to date has been backed by a specialized database." This will allow OCLC to keep up with all of the new digitized titles. The new features OCLC is adding to Open WorldCat and Web 2.0 will help libraries to collaborate in "new and powerful ways."

3. Into a new world of librarianship; sharpen these skills for Librarian 2.0
The library is human and Librarian 2.0 is the "strategy guide." Traits include: planning is based on user wants and needs; new technologies and services making the library transparent. Librarian 2.0 embraces Web 2.0 tools, including Instant messaging, Weblogs, wikis and mashes up content to build websites. Librarian 2.0 controls technolust. Will the technology improve user needs and wants? No technology just to be "cool." Librarian 2.0 makes good, yet fast decisions. The librarian brings things to the table, such as journal articles and studies to planning sessions and decision making. Librarian 2.0 is a trend spotter seeking out information and news that will affect library users and their needs. Librarian 2.0 gets content and how users access, consume and create content. Librarian 2.0 listens to users and staff, celebrating successes and failures, learning from both. Librarian 2.0 gives staff time to play and experiment and "never stops dreaming about the best library services."

Librarian 2.0 is a must, if we want to survive as a profession. With all of the new technologies, tools and available, it is our mission to learn and apply all that Librarian 2.0 has to offer in order to keep up with our users needs and wants. The library must become transparent, pushing out to our patrons, giving them access to all of their needs and wants regardless of whether they are in the library or sitting home. We must revisit how we develop our library collections, and whether they are cost effective. As librarians, we can not wait for direction, we must start immediately, one library at a time.

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